How To Create Navigation Menu In WordPress To Show Categories

How To Create Navigation Menu In WordPress To Show Categories?

For beginners, to add a navigation menu in WordPress can be challenging. To show the post categories on your WordPress website is important. But how would you do that? In this article, I will let you know how to create navigation menu in WordPress. Though it’s very simple but still, newbies find it hard.

Let me make it simple so that you can show the add the category of your blog posts and show them in the navigation menu. The position of the menu can’t be handled from here. In every WordPress theme, the position of the menu may vary.

Add Navigation Menu In WordPress By Following the Guide:

There are some simple steps to follow. You just have to go through each step and your navigation menu would be ready to show on your website.

Step 1:- Login to your WordPress admin panel and go to Appearance>>Menus. You can see an option to create the menu. Click on that option and after that, you will be asked to enter the name of the menu. I have added “New Menu” here in the example.

Step 2:- After creating the menu, you have to add the categories in the menu to show on your website. You may see many options showing the current page present on your website. All the categories you have created.

Before that, you must know how to create a WordPress category and how to change the slug.

Step 3:- For adding the category in the menu, just choose the name and click “Add To Menu” and the respective category will be shown under the menu you have created. Add all the categories in the list.

Now is the turn to re-arrange them. You can do that by dragging the category and dropping it on the place you want in the list. Similar action can be taken to all the categories and the pages you add in the navigation menu. After doing all the arrangements, save the menu to see it on your website.

How To Create Drop-Down menu?

As you were doing above by clicking the categories from the left-hand menu under the menu you have selected. While re-arranging, drag the category slightly to the right and leave it under the main category. You can see the written value shows the “sub-item.

It means that the upper one is the parent category and the sub-item will be showing under it as a drop-down category.

How To Edit navigation menu In WordPress?

Whenever you want to add any new category then you can just drag and drop in the menu you have created. Before that don’t forget to choose the menu to edit. You can enter any custom URL of your social profile or the home page in any category. In most of the cases, bloggers add the custom link to their home category.

You can add the custom link from the left-hand-side menu showing the pages, category, posts, and the custom link. Just select it and fill the URL and the link text. The category with which you want to add the link should be filled under this section.

Have You Come To Know How To Create Navigation menu in WordPress?

By using the steps shown above, you can add navigation menu in WordPress. If you want to change the order of the category then you can do that from the required section only. You should know the knowledge about the navigation menu and how to add it.

You may have seen the position of the navigation menu differently in every WordPress them. Well, you can’t change the location of the navigation menu from here. For doing that, you should edit the code of your WordPress theme.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Very nice tutorial, creating menus in WordPress sometimes can be tricky, but this tutorial is elaborating enough to turn it simple. Thank for sharing.

    1. Hey Priyam,

      WordPress is a vast platform to use and creating a menu is the most important thing to learn. If you want to show the categories on your blog then you should know how to create them and add them to the navigation menu.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Enjoy the stay.


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